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Treating Leg Injuries
My neighbor's horse got herself hung up under a side panel in the barn and tore herself up pretty good. Her front left knee was cut open real bad and the right top of her hoof had a about a 1 inch gash in the flesh (not the hoof part). He cold get a vet to come out so he is treating the wounds himself with surgical scrub cleaning the wounds followed up by betadine and then wrapping a maxi-pad with vet wrap along with a course of injected anti-biotics. I was thinking the it might be better to spray the wounds down with hydrogen peroxide and let the wound scab over and not wrap them. When he removed that wrap to clean the wounds last night while I was there; I could smell the infection from 8 feet away and the horses knee was pretty swollen. Any ideas, comments, or suggestions appreciated.
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Treating Leg Injuries
I use Kopertox and Blue ointment Wound Dressing both act as an anticeptic and the blue ointment acting as a dressing. I have used them on the outside dogs as well as the horses. I don't cover it up. It is better to let the air near it.
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Treating Leg Injuries
That's really too bad they couldn't get a vet out. it sounds like it could use stitches. Short of that, it seams like the right thing to do, with the surgical scrub and betadine, but maybe they didn't get it cleaned well enough if it's infected. I'd push for a vet visit.
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