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leg injury
my 18mth old colt got a deep cut on his hind leg. We had a vet check it out and were given cream and spray and directions on keeping it clean. no major damaged was done, however, a month later he is now completely lame on that leg. no sign of infection or cause. any ideas or suggestions?
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leg injury
Have you verified that he has no infection in the cut area? I am sure you have but if you have not, have you carefully checked up in his hoof on that leg to verify there is no rock or other object stuck in his hoof? Does the area that was injured on his leg feel significantly warmer or cooler than the other legs? I hate to jump right to the anti-biotics. They tend to mask a problem. Let me know if you find something.
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leg injury
Aside from Chief's ideas, I would ask if this problem is the same, better or worse since the injury? The cut may be healed on the outside but the muscle damage would take longer to heal (similar to a broken leg.) Barring anything else presenting itself, time and physical therapy may be all that's needed. The muscle may have significantly tightened up.
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leg injury
We walked him around and the limp went away. So that problem was fixed until we left it open to breathe. It looked like it was closed up. But it's right on his muscle so when he walked around that night it opened back up. Now all of a sudden his leg is swollen from the knee down and there is a bubble that has popped up from the wound. it's about half inch high. If we keep it wrapped the bubble goes away and the swelling goes down. Any more suggestions?
I can't afford a few hundred dollars every other wk when the vet comes out. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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leg injury
It has been my experience to leave the wound open to let air get to it so it can scab over and begin the healing process. It is important to keep the wound as clean and sterile as possible without going overboard.
What I found worked well was to buy a pump spray bottle and fill it with hydrogen peroxide. My daughter would use the spray bottle and peroxide to spray the wound and wash it out with the spray jet. The peroxide will sterilize the wound. Sometimes spraying Wound Coat (spray aerosol can) helps by providing a layer of protective coating over the wound until it can scab up.
The wound will ooze puss somewhat but that is part of the healing process fighting the infection. If it gets bad and there is severe swelling, you need to get the vet. or take the additional steps below.
If the infecting is bad and persists, you may have to resort to anti-biotics. You can give them an injection yourself. You can buy the anti-biotics and syringes at the Tractor Supply Center and Coop. Penecillin is a good general antibiotic for wound treatment BUT if your horse has not been on Penecillin before, give them a smaller 1/2 to 1/4 size dose and observe if they have a bad or allergic reaction to it. If they are not allergic and tolerate it well, then give them a full dose, the next injection. The dosage instructions are with the packing and goes by body weight. You can also do and internet search and find dosage rates.
The anti-biotics are a LAST line of defense. If and whenever possible, it is BEST to let mother nature work her magic.
Have you given horses injections before?
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leg injury
Thanks You for the advice. No I have not given any type of injections, I have a fear of needles, but can have it done by someone at the barn. I am gonna have to have a vet out today. He is now not getting up unless we force him to. And has had puss and blood coming outta the back of his leg, which is the other side of his leg. There has to be something we are missing. Some of the signs you said to look for are there, we left it open last night, per vet, and it scabbed over and the puss has slowed down so maybe there is hope for this to heal up after all. Let ya know.
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