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Treeless Saddles
Has anyone used the treeless saddles? My sister is looking at them for her Peruvian due to the high back bone and short back. In reading they seem like a good idea, but I am not certain, having with just a blanket as a kid I can not immagine it provide good comfort.
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Treeless Saddles
My wife and I both have Bob Marshall Sportsaddles. They are more of a western style than the Lag. You can Google them on the web. They come in several styles, we have the endurance model. My wife's been using hers a couple years, Mine since Spring. We trail ride. The biggest difference that you notice when riding is you're right down on the horse's back, and if he's wide you get spread out, as opposed to a saddle with a built up seat. It's important to have a proper saddle pad. They recommend the Skito pad with foam inserts that leave a channel down the spine. The great thing about them is their ability to fit different shaped horses. My wife had a Lag but didn't care for it and switched to the Sportsaddle. Hope this helps a little.
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