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Yard hydrant adjustment question
The yard hydrant in the barn is leaking. Before I dig it up, does anyone know how to adjust it? There is a bolt on the top, just under the handle, that I tightened (turned clockwise), but it didn't solve the problem. Just wondering, should I turn the bolt the opposite direction -- will this make the stem connecting the plunger to the handle longer, hence create a tighter seal when the handle is closed? I'm pouring the floor on Wednesday, so obviously want to fix it before the concrete goes in.
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Yard hydrant adjustment question
The frost free hydrants have a valve at the bottom as you know. When the valve is closed to water flow, a port is opened at the bottom to allow the standpipe to drain and prevent freezing. You can try lengthening the rod to push harder, but at the same time you are changing the amount that it will rise. Doing this too much will cut down on flow when open, and possibly allow the tiny port to allow drainage at the same time. Too much drainage will saturate the ground and not allow the standpipe to drain effectively and it may freeze. I have replaced 2 at my garden center recently and even new, they were out of proper adjustment.
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Yard hydrant adjustment question
If it's a new one it may (likely?) be out of adjustmant as Denwood stated.
If it's a few years old it might just need a new set of gaskets. The ones we use don't need to be dug up to change the gaskets, the gaskets sit on the end of the push-rod and run up against a seat at the bottom. When you unscrew the top, you can pull the push-rod including gaskets right out, the gaskets are held in place with a small brass screw in the end of the push-rod. Any hardware store should have them, I believe the ones on ours are the same gaskets as a regular garden hose spigot uses.
Best of luck.
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Yard hydrant adjustment question
The excavator was back today to dig up the hydrant. Turns out the plumber who hooked it up did not tighten the fitting all the way.
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