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 10-26-2016, 22:22 Post: 15089

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 Bermuda Fertilizer for Horse Pasture

Does anyone have suggestions for a horse-safe fertilizer for bermuda grass on approx. 15ac horse pasture? I live in the Dallas, Tx. area, so summer weather is hot and dry. I'm also trying to keep the weeds from taking over again this year. I'm mowing regularly to keep the weeds at bay for now in hopes that the bermuda will take hold and cover, but would like to promote the bermuda growth with fertilizers or other "turf management" techniques (it's not really "turf" yet, but hopefully one day). Is owning a 3 point spreader a necessity or can you borrow one from where you buy the fetilizer?

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 10-27-2016, 08:11 Post: 15096
Bird Senter

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 Bermuda Fertilizer for Horse Pasture

Todd, Stop by one of the farmer's co-op places and talk to them about the fertilizer and spreader. The proper fertilizer might depend on a soil analysis of your soil. I live about 65 miles straight south of Dallas, and let a neighbor use my pasture for cattle (he doesn't have any horses, but did have donkeys until recently) and he goes to the co-op in Malone and buys his fertilizer, in their big 4 wheeled ground driven spreader/trailer. He pulls it home (15 miles) behind his pickup, hooks it to his tractor to drive back and forth across the pasture with it slinging the fertilizer out the back, then takes the spreader/trailer back to the co-op. My pasture is coastal bermuda, and he lets the cattle graze it part of the year, and other times (like now), keeps the cattle out to let it grow, then cuts and bales it for hay.

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