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 12-09-2016, 16:34 Post: 23740

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 Diesel engine clatters and smokes!!

I was bushoging today and all of the sudden my 3 cylinder tractor made a clattering sound and it started to smoke. When you give it gas, you can hear a very noticeable clatter and see smoke. Once it idles down, it will almost sound like it is trying to miss, but, it will eventually smooth out. It only has 50 hours on it. What could be causing this? Is the noise coming from the diesel pump or inside the engine? Why did it start smoking. Has this ever happened before, or does anyone know what might be wrong?? Thanks.

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 12-09-2016, 21:29 Post: 23746

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 Diesel engine clatters and smokes!!

Assuming that the tractor was running at PTO rpm and up to operating temperature, it sounds like fuel starvation--especially if the smoke is gray. Air restriction tends to make black smoke. Fuel starvation can result from various mechanical problems. However, on a 50-hour tractor, simple things like air in the fuel lines, or bad fuel is a good bet. I'd start off by bleeding the fuel lines and checking the filter bowl for water--I'd probably replace the filter as well on general principal. I'd also probably check the air filter and intake for restrictions, especially if the smoke is black. If these checks don't clear up the problem, then it's probably something mechanical, which hopefully is covered under warranty on a 50-hour tractor. Same sort of thing happened to me this summer after a period of fast idle. I gave it some throttle and it cleared up in a couple of minutes. It was about time for regular maintenance, so I changed the fuel filter and bled the lines, oil etc. The problem didn't reoccur.

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 12-10-2016, 02:23 Post: 23752
Roger L.

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 Diesel engine clatters and smokes!!

What color is the smoke? By chance is it white and smelling strongly of fuel? How about the smoke color on startup? As for the clattering, it isn't unusual for diesels to make a lot of mechanicial noise when they aren't running smoothly. If the clattering goes away when it smooths out that is a good sign.

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 12-10-2016, 07:18 Post: 23753

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 Diesel engine clatters and smokes!!

I had this happen when my tractor was new--about 2 hours on it. It scared the living daylights out of me, but it stopped doing it before I could race over to the tractor and shut it off. Later, one of the other members of the discussion group reported experiencing the same thing and was told that this could be caused by water in the fuel. In my case, this made sense as my tractor had sat on the dealer's lot for awhile.

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 12-10-2016, 12:12 Post: 23770

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 Diesel engine clatters and smokes!!

I forgot to ask if you're in a cold area. Part of the idea of bad fuel is diesel gelling in cold temperatures. The cloud point of some #2 diesel is 15F, and at those temperatures wax particles can start forming and clog the fuel filter. Use of an anti-gel additive is a good idea during the winter. Anti-gel additive doesn't do much good after the fact, and serious gelling may require replacing the filter as well as draining and flushing the fuel tank. Anti-gel additive doesn't do much good after the fact. It gets real cold here, and I use #1 diesel plus anti-gel.

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