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 02-12-2017, 22:04 Post: 34160
Post: 34160
 mini combine

I'm trying to find a mini combine to harvest a small field of wheat. Less than two acres. I am visualizing something like the walk behind power tillers or sickle bar mowers. Or something that would connect to my PTO on the tractor and would be offset so I would not crush the grain with the tires before I could harvest it. Anything out there? Thanks Loren DeHaan

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 02-13-2017, 02:58 Post: 34181

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 mini combine

There are mini disk mowers for your tractor (I assume not knowing the size). I had found a E-site with bailing equipment etc for compact tractors, but can not find it at the moment.
Combines may be more difficult to find. You could modify some old threshing equipment (antique) to do the job. Alternatively I would suspect that Japanese equipment is made as their farming plots are very small and they grow rice and wheat. In reality the equipment could be obtained relatively inexpensively used, as the used tractors are imported cheap. As with other Japanese equipment like tillers most of thest tractors are stripped. The question is how do you find what is available and import it.

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 02-13-2017, 07:53 Post: 34189

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 mini combine

I suppose I'm not going to be any help here. When I was growing up in Denver many of the small farms still around the city still hand shocked their wheat. I don't know how it was thrashed. It is feasible to do 22-acres and more by, but I suppose that's what you're trying to get away from. I still think of combines as great huge machines that follow the harvests sort of like migratory birds. It's hard for me to grasp that individual farmers own their own combines these days.

I had a chance conversation with a neighbour yesterday, and thrashers were mentioned. I had forgotten that they tended to be belt driven from where a big drum on the tractor (where a mid-pto is now days. The belts were really long, and I think it was to keep the tractor a long way from the thrasher. If I recall correctly, it had to do with fire hazards, but my recollection may be off since I was a city kid at the time.

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 02-13-2017, 12:47 Post: 34191

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 mini combine

Interms of farming equipment the combine is a relatively modern invention. It was not commercialized until the war years. MF sent combines down through the grain belt in Texas and travelled north to Canada with the ripening grain.
Some companies are still migrating their combines as contract harvesters.
Before and during the war the stationary threshing machines were providing the bulk of the harvesting. My father worked on the harvest in the west before enlistment. The particular farm he worked on was still horses and wagons.
If you want to complete your harvest with compact equipment without a combine you would need a reaper, wagon and thresher. You would need to hand tie the bundles. You might look into the Amish or Mennonite equipment as many are still working the old way and someone maybe providing new equipment.

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 02-13-2017, 17:42 Post: 34196
Art White

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 mini combine

Many old combines are still out in barns and probably will be for a number of years. The old pull types took about 40 horsepower to run and you can buy them real cheap.

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 02-13-2017, 22:36 Post: 34198
paul ruff

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 mini combine

I would also suggest a small combine, many of these have 6-8' wide heads on them, small grain tank. Have seen them locally converted to harvest organic edible beans. Most I have seen sold at farm sales only bring scrap metal prices.

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 02-14-2017, 03:30 Post: 34227

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 mini combine

The pull type combines were patented in the 1830's and used horses. The link below provides more history.
In the 40 and 50 the smaller combines were phased out as the smaller family wheat farms could not compete with the larger concerns.
Often the smaller equipment consisted of a reaper and powered thresher. The farmer would cut the field and allow the grain to dry before threshing.
In the 70's when I went to university you were considered an hobby wheat farmer with less than about 3 or 4 sections. One friend was given 2 sections to farm, using the family equipment to provide funds for university.
PS. Without a spell checker I am the King of the typos and incorrect spelling.

Link:   Click Here 

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 02-14-2017, 23:08 Post: 34288
Post: 34288
 mini combine

I use an Allis Chalmers model60 All Crop pull type combine to harvest 2 o 3 acres of oats. It works very well has a 60" head and I use a 1951 J.D. B to operate it. I did hook it up to my J.D. 790 once and it seemed to run it very easily, although I didn't do any harvesting with the 790, it seemed to power the combine empty with no effort at all. There are A.C. Al Crops rusting away in fence rows all over our part of Michigan. We have 3 for parts and 1 that we operate. They are an amazing machine when you consider that they were designed in the 1930s.

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 07-27-2017, 07:41 Post: 66862

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 mini combine

If anyone is interested I have finally found some makers of minicombines. They are available used from South Korea. Have not found a Japanese reference yet.

Link:   TYM 

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 07-27-2017, 12:35 Post: 66883

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 mini combine

I have got some contacts for the used small combines in Korea, but do not know of anyone importing them. The tractors using this method are reasonable, not sure of the combines.
I guess if there was a market we could get some. I would think that they are under 10K. I guess I can check.

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