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 02-27-2017, 05:35 Post: 35771
Harry Webster

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 Horse manure and stump piles

We recently bull dozed several acres to create new pasture. We now have a huge pile of stumps at the back of the property. An old farmer friend told us that piling horse manure on the stumps would rot them out in no time. Any one tried this, does it actually work?

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 02-27-2017, 10:30 Post: 35773

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 Horse manure and stump piles

I think "no time" is a relative term, yes it will certainly speed the biodegrading process. However, depending on how big the pile is, and how much soil remains on the stumps, the process may be difficult to do, for instance if you have a low, wide pile how do you propose reaching the center to cover it? If the pile is tall, reaching will still be a problem, it will just be a diferent problem. Around here we use a 2 part system for disposing of stumps, unless they are needed for fencing, first roll them all upside down, this way the rain (or a hose) can wash most of the dirt out of them. After cleaning we use a match, thermal degradation is by far the fastest way to do it, the potash is a bonus. Best of luck.

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 02-28-2017, 01:13 Post: 35778
Charlie Iliff

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 Horse manure and stump piles

Horse manure is a source of nitrogen, which is absorbed by the wood as it rots. That's one of the reasons why horse manure and wood shavings aren't great fertilizer unless they are composted until the wood rots, and the nitrogen is released. For stumps, horse manure may hasten the process, but certainly is no substitute for a stump grinder or a fire.

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 03-01-2017, 16:29 Post: 35819

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 Horse manure and stump piles

I'm sure I remember seeing a commercial product called 'stump rotter' or something like that. I wouldn't have a clue how well something like that works though.

Stumps are a problem around here for people who don’t have enough bush to just let them sit. People are supposed to get burn permits for burning them, and permits aren't issued during the summer. Despite my warm comments elsewhere about our township dumps, they don’t take stumps.

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 03-02-2017, 17:01 Post: 35858
Harry Webster

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 Horse manure and stump piles

Burning is out of the question, we are currently in a drought emergency here in Jersey. I tried the stump rotter stuff a few years ago. Required drilling holes in the stump and filling with the chemical. You let it sit for a few months, filled the hole with kerosene and lit it off. Didn't work for me. We have another stump pile that has reduced to about half over the last eight years, left to its own devices. Think I will try to cover the new pile with manure, I have to dump it somewhere anyway, and see what happens....a real long term science project!

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