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help me to select Tractor/Implements
first timer to this wonderful site!
I'w working with an IT co. - 40 yrs/married.
Purchased a new house recently, and want to buy a NEW compact tractor to develop garden during weekends. My wife will also use it.
Presently the 12 acre land is undeveloped and uneven
I need your advice -
i) which compact tractor shall I buy (Model and hp)?
ii) which implements/attachments will be most suitable ?
Thanks in advance !
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help me to select Tractor/Implements
can somebody also mention guidelines to enable me to select a suitable tractor ?
Thanks again!
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help me to select Tractor/Implements
Anand, there's a lot of people on this forum who can help you with any specific questions, but in this case your question is pretty broad. I'd say you should consider the "B" series Kubotas, 4000 (or 4100) series John Deeres, and/or the TC series New Hollands (and now Case-International has a series that is the same thing as the TC series, but in red instead of blue, with a couple of minor differences in options). And, of course, there are other brands that may or may not be suitable for you. I'd highly recommend a hydrostatic transmission, power steering, 4 wheel drive, a front end loader, and a tiller. You'll almost certainly also want other implements, such as a brush hog, box blade, and probably others.
Visit different dealers, test drive tractors and find the tractor that's most comfortable for you, and the dealer with whom you are most comfortable.
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help me to select Tractor/Implements
Pretty good suggestions by Bird, as usual. There's also a bunch of reading here in the archives that may suggest some specific questions to ask. I'd take particular note of comments about the relationship between size, power and maneuverability.
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help me to select Tractor/Implements
Anand -
With a little more info, we might be able to help you narrow your search a bit. What kind of work will you be doing with the tractor?
If you are mowing a large part of the 12 acres, we can probably rule out the sub-compacts and maybe the smaller end of the compact range. Most people will not want to spend the kind of time it would take to mow that much with a smaller tractor. Does your mowing need to be "finish quality" or would a brush hog (rougher cut) do for your needs. Is your garden likely to be closer to a 10 ft x 10 ft plot (use a shovel or a walk behind roto-tiller) or a larger undertaking? Do you intend to do a fair amount of regrading of the land, or mostly leaving the general layout/slope as-is?
The more you can tell us, both about the current state of your land (hilly/smooth, rocky/sandy/clay, wooded/overgrown pasture, etc.) the more we can help.
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