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 03-22-2017, 17:57 Post: 39643

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 Do you lend your tractor?

Now that I have a tractor, I seem to have become the "free" rental center. All my friends (& even acquaintances)are asking to "borrow" my $11,000 toy. Has this happened to you? How do you deal with it?

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 03-22-2017, 22:51 Post: 39647
Post: 39647
 Do you lend your tractor?

I have had the same thing happen with my tractor. I have a neighbor who started out asking to use it once every couple of weeks or so to move mulch around his property. Every so often, I would notice a ding or scratch that he had caused which made me angry but still not that big of a deal. But the straw that broke the camels back was one day he decided to use it without asking (I found out through one of my horse boarders who had saw him take it). After that little incident, which apparently happened more than once, he was told (in not such a nice fashion)to buy his own tractor!!!! If you are like me, I use it every day and rely on it way too much. I DO NOT NEED MY NEIGHBOR TO WRECK IT FOR ME.

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 03-23-2017, 03:46 Post: 39648
Dan G
Post: 39648
 Do you lend your tractor?

I get the same thing as a contractor. Just say NO. I also rehab old cars. When I bought my Miller mig welder, my friends acted like they went in half or something. Don't lend it out!
You are the loser when something goes wrong and it will. They will ride her hard and put her away wet! Others don't have that pride of ownership. Are they there paying for your oil changes? Will they buy your new tires? Will they even clean it up when they are done? NOT! Most people don't even offer to put fuel in it or your truck you hauled it over in!
Make a policy that only YOU will operate YOUR machine when it is convient for YOU. As soon as you say "sure you can HIRE me and MY machine for the day" you'll be astonished to find people stop asking!
If it's family or a close friend, don't charge but don't lend it. Let people say what they want. If they don't like it go rent or buy a machine.
Sorry if I sound harsh but that's real life. When you need something, do you see people flocking to help? There's always an excuse. Lending usually is a One Way Street.
Dan G.

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 03-23-2017, 08:40 Post: 39650

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 Do you lend your tractor?

I have a friend that used to be a drywall and finish carpentry contractor. He is constantly being asked by friends & family for help with projects. His solution is that "friends and family are free"; he's glad to help BUT he does it on his own terms, that is, when he has the time. I do the same with my tractor. I won't lend it out, but will help friends when convenient for me.

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 03-23-2017, 13:35 Post: 39651

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 Do you lend your tractor?

I have gotten to the point where I won't even lend a shovel, because even that came back abused. Tractors are complicated machines to learn and use properly and are therefore prone to misuse and damage. Also consider the litigation aspect. It is not hard to imagine someone borrowing your tractor, doing something stupid like tipping it over, and then suing you because you didn't give him instruction on how to avoid it. No. I think the keys will stay in my pocket.

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 03-23-2017, 18:29 Post: 39655

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 Do you lend your tractor?

I loan mine to only one person, my dad. I know that he'll take the same care of it as I would. Also when it's time to change the oil he's usually the one to do it. As for anyone else I will do the work for them but, as others have said, it's at my convienience and they pay for a fillup of fuel.

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 03-23-2017, 23:23 Post: 39658
Post: 39658
 Do you lend your tractor?

I normally won't lend it to anyone .. not the new one or the old ones... I will normally suggest that I can assist them when I have time.

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 03-24-2017, 04:18 Post: 39685
Michael C.
Post: 39685
 Do you lend your tractor?

This discussion brought back memories. About 12 years ago I owned an 855 with loader/backhoe/rake. I ended up with more friends than any man needs. My father and father in law would fight over who wanted to use it. It got so bad they wouldn't even talk to each other. My needs didn't matter. Friends also wanted it for everything, even to help out their friends. Of course I ended up repairing it frequently and without any expense money. Not one of them ever read the manuals for safety reasons and they all thought they were expert operators. 15 grand of machinery and people wouldn't even bat an eye when asking to take it for a 'few days'. I had enough so I just sold it. My father in law bought his own machine. They are now talking. I now own an 8000# machine that I don't own a trailer for so it stays home.
Also, another consideration is insurance-mine does not allow commercial use off my property nor do they want to see anyone else operating it. It is also not registered for on road use. For anyone thinking of lending a machine out consider the liability implications. I do plow a few elderly neighbors driveways after a heavy snowfall to help out but everything is done when I want to do it.

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 05-24-2017, 02:44 Post: 55572

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 Do you lend your tractor?

I never loan anything to anyone any more. It seems to always end up causeing more problems than just saying no to begin with. Not to mention the liability. I also NEVER ask to loan any thing from others. It just makes life a whole lot smoother. With some I just volunteer to help out when I have the time.

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 05-24-2017, 07:38 Post: 55581

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 Do you lend your tractor?

I used to loan and borrow between my friends and family. I can's say I have had all bad experiences but enough to never borrow or lend major items again. I still loan small tools to people I care about, in fact my pole saw went out yesterday with my son. My experience with big ticket items has been less than satisfactory. My pride and joy 1978 Dodge 4x4 with custom paint and interior came back from the store at my friends pig roast with a dent in the tailgate. Other items I have loaned did not come back at all. Now, if it has an engine it stays here or I go with it.

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