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 06-16-2017, 05:16 Post: 60005

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  fence wire under road

Installing high tensile electric anti-deer fence and need to get the lead out wires from the fence charger under the town road to the fence across. Want to go underground under the road. How can I do this have a low spot an each side where I would cross the 20 feet of asphalt.

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 06-16-2017, 10:11 Post: 60006
Billy Passmore

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  fence wire under road

Find someone with a road boring machine. It won't be cheap.

One of those solar powered fence chargers would be several hundred dollars cheaper.

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 06-16-2017, 15:05 Post: 60018

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  fence wire under road

The solar powered chargers work fine. Years ago, we used battery powered pulse chargers on our remote fences and they would only require a battery change once during a midwest summer. These ran on a big 12VDC dry cell pack. These 12 VDC powered units can be hooked to a car battery for even longer service. I am sure that a Google search would locate several vendors.

Going under the road is possible if you really want to. The cheapest wire that will work reliably is going to be the coaxial cable used for CB and Ham radio antenna installations. There are only specific cables that will work reliably for a significant period of time, and you may email me separately if you want to discuss this further.

In a nutshell, you will need to get a plastic electrical conduit under the road and then use the coaxial cable to carry the high voltage for the fence through the conduit.

The battery or solar powered fence charger is the smart move.

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 06-16-2017, 20:00 Post: 60020

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  fence wire under road

If your "low spot" includes a culvert just run the wire through it.

If there is no existing crossing it will be expensive, REALLY expensive to cross under the road. Then you will have to use either a solar or solar/12V. combination system.

Best of luck.

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 06-17-2017, 00:54 Post: 60023

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  fence wire under road

How tall is this fence going to be ? It's going to have to be fairly high to keep deer out. a lot of cattle farmers use a single strand but it doesn't seem to keep deer out. but seems to keep cattle at bay.

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 06-17-2017, 05:49 Post: 60028

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  fence wire under road

Down in Texas I saw 10 foot high fencing. They said that is what it took to keep deer out or in.

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 06-17-2017, 10:43 Post: 60037

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  fence wire under road

For an electric fence, there is no benefit to electrify a wire higher than the aninal can reach with its feet on the ground.

For problem animals at a kennel, I have run woven wire fencing at the base with a single electric wire above the top to keep the high jumpers and climbers from attempting a crossing, but in that case the animal is grounded through the wire netting. The only animals that contact the electric wire are the ones that jump or climb over six feet.

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 06-17-2017, 15:38 Post: 60236

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  fence wire under road

Depending on the soil type you can pass your wire under the road fairly easily. You only need 3/4 inch schedual 40 PVC pipe and a supply of water. You attach a hose bib to the PVC and then connect your water. You work the pipe back and forth. You can pass it a faily long distance if the soil has no large rocks.

The solar route is probably less work.


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 06-17-2017, 20:32 Post: 60241

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  fence wire under road

I have used the method that Peters describes for shorter distances. It does work well in my experience for distances of ten feet or less. The reason that I did not recommend it was that it gets difficult to keep the end from drooping the further that you go. You also have to have a clear area long enough for the pipe before it starts under the road.

It you have enough room to lay the pipe out level and push it level under the road, it might work. If you use 3/4 or 1 inch plastic conduit, you could probably get by running the water right through the conduit and just leave it in place when you are done. The soil will fill in around the conduit naturally. Keep the pressure low if you run water through conduit, because it is not pressure rated, but it should not fail with average water pressure.

The biggest problem with this method is that if you hit a rock that is too big to wash out beside the pipe, you cannot move it any further. You can snake the pipe around some rocks, but it will be random. A three inch rock will stop your progress, but you may get by it. A 12 inch rock will probably stop your advance altogether.

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