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 09-08-2017, 20:58 Post: 85787

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 Growing wine grapes?

As a new hobby, I have 12 wine grape plants on their way to my house. Anyone have experience on growing grapes? I’m looking for any advice, tips or guidance.

Hopefully in a couple of years, I’ll asking for advise on making wine Smile

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 09-09-2017, 01:53 Post: 85790

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 Growing wine grapes?

I have planted grapes before and seen the grown on the farms near me but am not an expert. I have 4 plants in waiting right now. At my last house I just had them to the point where the reached the wires and were producing some grapes. (Concord, niagara - admittedly not wine grapes).

Just put your posts up about 12 feet apart - run 2 wires about 2 feet apart from post to post - plant your grapes - tie them to the wires as they grow. Hoe them 2-3 times a year. Trim them back every year into a "Y" shape and retie them. (this might be called "A Dummies Guide to Growing Grapes"Wink yeah right.

For the best wine I understand you have to make them "suffer" Smile and be a chemist. I have made wine from kits but never from my own grapes. My uncle made great wine from Niagara grapes - also my relatives have made dandelion wine.

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 09-09-2017, 06:47 Post: 85792

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 Growing wine grapes?

I had a about 20 vines a few years ago at my old house... We set up an arbor out of 4x4's and plain 8-gage wire. I set the first line of wire 2' from the ground and the second row 4' up. This worked well for us. We also planted them 6' apart. This left plenty of room for the vines to grow out..

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