If selecting a trailer and a Tow Veh.was any more complicated it might be simpler to transport it with a helicopter and a sky hook.
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We've seen a lot of single axle 12 and 14' landscape trailers hauling the BX series around with everything from Toyota to full size pulling them.
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We've seen a lot of single axle 12 and 14' landscape trailers hauling the BX series around with everything from Toyota to full size pulling them.
Art White
What is the Max Axle weight for a single axle trailer?
In other words at what weight should one move up to 2 axles?
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Sngle axle trailers go up to three thousand lbs. A tandem would be over kill moving you up to seven thousand lb rating.
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Art, I think he has a BX23, so his tractor weighs 2400+ and that only leaves 600 pounds for the weight of the trailer on a 3000 pound GVWR package.
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You are right on the weights but that seems to be the most common unit I've seen. I haven't seen the weights of the trailer.
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