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Homemade utility trailer question
Someone gave me a trailer that was used to haul a 14' aluminum boat. I built a 6'x6' frame and turned it into a small utility trailer. The trailer tongue is 8'-10' long so I will cut it down. My question is, how long should the tongue be? Is there any kind of ratio to follow, or do I just take a wild guess?
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Homemade utility trailer question
Oliver; There may be some correct way, but I did just as you are doing with an old boat trailer, I just cut the tounge off to leave enough to keep from hiting the pickyp in a sharp turn. It allways seemed easier to me to back up a longer toungue than a short one, short ones seem to turn too quickly, so maybe don't get it too short. Frank.
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Homemade utility trailer question
It depends on the anticipated maximum tongue weight. For a 500lb tongue weight, a 2x2x3/16 tube shouldn't catiliver from the front of the trailer more than 32". The exact size of the tongue will determine the maximum length amd weight the tongue can handle before buckling. If you know the size, I can tell you the maiximum safe length.
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