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Horse Pasture Rent
Harvey is absolutely right! Have the renter obtain a farm bureau policy or other excess liability type policy and require that the policy name YOU as an additional insured in WRITING. Fault has nothing to do with getting sued any longer; it is who has the assests or money......the deep pockets theory squared. In most states, the owner of the live stock is liable of any damages they cause and the land owner can be pulled into this as well. One of the prime reasons I have NOT leased out my land to hunters or for cattle grazing yet.
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Horse Pasture Rent
Do horses eat lawyers?
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Horse Pasture Rent
Everyone has given you good advice so far. Cover your butt is the key. When I lived in Washington state, neighbor let a friend put a horse in their field. There was a stake sticking out of some old concrete hidden by the tall grass. The horse ripped open it's belly on it. Killed the horse.
I have a friend who had one of his bulls bust out of a fence. Totalled the Honda that hit the bull (doing well over 55 mph, car that is) and almost killed the driver. 2 other cars were damaged when they came upon the accident. That was a bad one but he had insurance.
So listen the other guys and be thorough in covering your butt. Accidents do happen.
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Horse Pasture Rent
If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend "Horse Keeping on Small Acerage". It'll help you decide the # horses/acre. I just learned that in some PA townships they do limit the # of horses/acre, too.
My answer: it depends alot on the land, the weather/ conditions, the horses themselves, and how everything is managed.
Will the horses be allowed to roam it during the dark, wet winter? Lots of damage happens to the grasses when horses hooves plod over dormant grass. Add to it the mud, and the soil quickly becomes compacted and bare, especially along horses' favorite spots.
Do they live on it 24/7 or is it just daytime turnout and stalls the rest of the time? Will someone be overseeding the fields or are we totally relying on nature to restore the grazed areas?
You said 4-7 acres. With proper rotation it could easily support a few horses, more if horses aren't on it 24/7 every single day. I'd divide it up into three 2ac plots & rotate. Depending on how picky you are about how the field looks, two might be the right # or you could allow 4 or possibly more. But if he said he had a dozen, I'd definitely worry!
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Horse Pasture Rent
Thanks for all the advise. He decided (I think it was his wife) that they don't have extra money right now to rent and fence extra land. I did do the math on my plot and it is only 3 acres that could have been used. From this and other sources, horses can be pretty hard on the land.
I did find a dairy farmer who is taking the grass this season, whoo, I don't have to cut it. I told my neighbor he can exercise his horses on it after the last cutting if he wants.
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