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 02-01-2017, 01:26 Post: 31840

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 Hooking up an electric fence

I'm certainly no authority on electric fences; however, I completed one a couple of weeks ago that does a good job of keeping out deer. There is a great deal of information about electric fences on the internet and I spent quite a bit of time on research. Regarding grounds: You can have a hot wire only and the animals will ground to the earth, or you can alternate hot wires with ground wires and animals will ground both to the ground wire and to the earth. Deer can't ground to the earth when they are jumping over or through a fence so alternate ground wires are desirable. Also, during times of severe drought such as we get here in central Texas, there isn't always enough moisture in the soil to provide a good ground and ground wires are desirable. I purchased almost all of my supplies at Tractor Supply, including a multi-light tester for $10. By the way, start by the charger and test sections of the fence; you might find that you have good voltage up to the point where there is a short and that might help you zero in on your problem. Good-quality insulators and sufficient ground rods are essential, but don't forget that brush, weeds and grass will also short out a fence. Fencing is an exercise in patience and perseverance that tests our moral fibre. Hang in there! With enough mental anguish and perspiration you'll get the job done!

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 02-01-2017, 11:15 Post: 31855

Join Date: Jul 2004
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TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster
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 Hooking up an electric fence

Stock Yard Ranch and Supply in Colorado has a good supply of fence insulators,testers and fencers. They carry the best plastic fence insulators you can buy"Red Snapper Brand" I have had these things on fence posts for about 9 years and they have not dry rotted yet. The Dare brand insulators are junk!!!!!!!!!They dry rot in no time.The Red Snapper brand "snap"right on to T-posts and are much easier to install then the Dare brand.I live in WV and they ship UPS to my front door and I have what I want in no time. Nasco farm supply is where I bought my fencer(before I discoverd Stock Yard Ranch and Supply) both are good suppliers.I have 2(keep an extra fencer) Parmac brand fencers,50 mile fencers. I have run lots of 2 line fences,off my electric fencer I have one hot wire from my fencer, going through a lighting arrestor to the top fence wire and the other wire going to other ground rod(3 ground rods for this particular fencer). I just jumper a wire from the top wire at the fence to the other wire and you have electric to both wires.My electric fencer has a built in performance meter,I can look at it in my barn and I can tell from looking at the meter if I have a wire off the fence post and right against the t-post which would be a very low performance,a wire off of the insulator laying on the ground would indicate a poor charge but not as bad as a direct ground.
I too have a meter that has a series of lights that indicate how much of a charge is going through the wires.Another way I can test mine out in the field if you are using a metal t-post is to have a screw driver with a good plastic handle and put the metal part of the screw driver (making sure your hands are on the plastic handle and not touching any metal)against the t-post and the wire and watch for a spark. Be careful and do not get hurt. I had a full grown cow that got here neck between the 2 strands on my fence one time and it killed her,the only thing I can figure is there was a path going into a lot where the water was with a narrow path with a fence on both sides,and the cattle all running into the water must have caught here to trip(on the rough ground) and possibly hurt her leg,whatever reason she could not get up and got electrocuted.I was at work and no one else seen what exactly happened.

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