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 04-30-2017, 04:33 Post: 49100
Post: 49100
 Who are the Top 10 CUT Manufacturers?

Hey Billy,

Nope, just inputing what I've heard over and over again. Trade shows and magazines, all that good stuff. Was trying to find the last article I read to quote but can't for the life of me remember where it is. They don't mention any numbers, but they something to the effect...Kubota still has a commanding control of the market. I don't know why they aren't easier to get.

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 04-30-2017, 09:28 Post: 49101
Post: 49101
 Who are the Top 10 CUT Manufacturers?

Kubota ships complete tractors across and also does some building and assembling in GA. Another plant is under construction or was newly completed. Some of the BX's are build here I guess, and the lawn and garden stuff is built here mostly. Why is GA so attractive to these manufacturers? Tax incentives? Union/non-Union issues?

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 05-28-2017, 09:47 Post: 56203

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 Who are the Top 10 CUT Manufacturers?

and dont forget a compact Massy is a ISIKI,,made in Japan(AGCO compacts too)

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 05-28-2017, 14:42 Post: 56227
jeff r

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 Who are the Top 10 CUT Manufacturers?

GA like Alabama will give away the state treasury to get manufacturing jobs to their respective states. The average tax payer in those states will pay heavily for state subsidized tax breaks for big corporations to re-locate in their states. We moan and groan about it when foriegn goverments subsidize steel dumpimg in the United States but when individual states are pitted against each other to see who can give the most tax breaks to foriegn companies to re-locate in their states , we caLL IT FREE ENTERPRISE??? I CALL IT CORPORATE WELFARE AT ITS FINEST. I would bet anything a local ice cream shop will pay more state taxes that a foriegn or domestic corporation with a 100 jobs re-locating to southern states. These corporations use ALL the infrastruction to the max and pay absolutely nothing for it. The only thing these states don't do is pay the corporation's weekly payroll. Other than that the sky is the limit on what these southern states treasury will pay for to get them to build a plant in their respective states.

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 05-28-2017, 19:36 Post: 56228

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 Who are the Top 10 CUT Manufacturers?

Kubota...Over 50 %.... Laughing out loud. not likely, But that is jmhop and that is all any one can honestly say with figures as NONE of theese companies release those numbers. IF ANY manufacturer was over 50 % or even in some day dream delusion that they were that high they would use that as their advertiseing stance untill the cows came home. I have to believe that in reality they are all so close they do not know themselves from month to month and I can tell you for a FACT that none of theese companies release info that specific to to share holders. While some reps can and I do believe give accurate numbers as representations it is only their region not nation wide sales.

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 05-29-2017, 05:25 Post: 56247

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 Who are the Top 10 CUT Manufacturers?

As a resident of GA, Let me speak. Georgia sales tax is only 5% with local option up to 2%. Income tax somewhat less than that on the state level. I have been to other areas and seen there taxes and the states show little for it.

With that said, we have some of the best roads in the nation, an international city which is strategically located in an coastal state. We have lower taxes and less restrictions. Unions are generally frowned upon, there is a sense of "don't tell me what to do." here. People are happy to work for companies under there own initiative. The quality of the product is much higher as a result. Infrastructure has been built for years and is up to date. (A not forgotten lesson taught by the Civil War)Sewers are new. Land is cheap. GA has power rates 15% less than the national average. etc. I don't think Michigan has any bids in to host any Olympics either. The climate is moderate and gas prices stay at the lowest levels in the nation. Cost of living is low as well. Who wouldn't want to live here. Admittedly, pay may be slightly lower, but with all these things going for it, it makes money go a whole lot farther. Yes we have our problems, but our budget struggles are relatively moderate compared to the higher taxed states in the north.

Don't forget that AGCO, the largest tractor company in the world is based here. JD has a tractor assembly plant in Augusta too.

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 05-29-2017, 10:19 Post: 56262

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 Who are the Top 10 CUT Manufacturers?

I used to work for a Japenese company that did all you said about getting free infrastructure,property tax breaks, etc. It was in NC and they bought most of their materials from their home company in Japan at very high prices ensuring that they would show no profit in the US, so NO taxes. It was just a way to dump in the US and funnel profits ( US dollars) back to Japan. Our gummit supports this practice because of the campaign donations,etc...

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 05-29-2017, 15:14 Post: 56275

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 Who are the Top 10 CUT Manufacturers?

At least if theese companys have plants in the us or even residual services some american jobs are provided by the purchase of their product. Clearly name recognition leads to a higher market share of sales or least a strong position.

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