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 02-26-2018, 14:43 Post: 111731

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 Transplanting Walnut Trees

I have a small out-building with 4 Walnut trees growing next to it. One is decent size and the other three are 10 - 12 foot tall. One is about 8 or 9 ft from the big one and the other two are within 4 ft of the big one. Can I dig these three smaller ones up and transplant them?

I'm in se Ohio and if I can do this, can do it now or do I have to wait until fall?

These tress have a decent start but will have to be moved. I would like to save them if at all possible.

Can anyone help me out here?


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 02-27-2018, 00:32 Post: 111740

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 Transplanting Walnut Trees

It is really too late now to transplant safely. For the average person to transplant a tree this size, bare root is likely to be your best option. It will allow you to get more of the roots (farther out from the trunk) without worrying about a root ball you cannot handle or ball properly. Waiting till fall? By fall the tree will not grow any more until spring so spring is better IMHO. Sometime in march well before but break. this will allow the transplant just before the growth season so the tree will re-establish more quickly than just putting it there in the fall just to sit till spring.

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 02-27-2018, 05:26 Post: 111742

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 Transplanting Walnut Trees

If the trees have leafed out you have to what until fall or spring.
The rule of thumb for digging the rootball. 10" round and 6"-9" deep for every 1" of trunk diameter.

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