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 08-06-2017, 03:14 Post: 72240

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 mini manure spreaders

Chief, horses average about 50 lbs of manure every 24 hrs. That translates into about 9 tons a year. I have 3. Add to that bedding (straw or wood shavings) and the wasted hay we pickup and it balloons quickly.We stockpile and compost down which reduces volume by as much as 65% depending how things are rotting and content.Composting takes up to 90 days.The good thing is that horse manure does not "burn" like cattle manure and the land can take alot. Also if you have thin soil it bulks it up quickly.

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 08-06-2017, 08:09 Post: 72247

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 mini manure spreaders

Drcjv, that was two horses and two......democrats...??

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 08-06-2017, 13:03 Post: 72257

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 mini manure spreaders

If the Democrates symbol is a Donkey.........where do they come up with so much Male Bovine Nutrient Residue??? :o)

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 08-06-2017, 17:58 Post: 72266

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 mini manure spreaders

I am sure one elephant will out pace any Donkey.
I keep the horses in the pasture most of they year and only bring them in to feed. I only clean the barn once a year.

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 08-06-2017, 22:52 Post: 72267

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I was waiting for that one Eric! Laughing out loud!!!!!!! ;o) Good call! Lately, it seems like there may be more truth to that than you think!

Have a great New Year!


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 08-07-2017, 03:46 Post: 72276

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 mini manure spreaders

Mark one mourning I found the two donkeys in my barn, they were seeking political assylum. They were being ridiculed in the herd for being outspoken on their support of the president and the war in Iraq. They are also big opponents of nationalized medicine or anything else being nationalized for that matter. We welcomed them into our little herd with opened arms and hooves.

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 08-07-2017, 13:35 Post: 72306

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 mini manure spreaders

Found this while I was looking for a brush cutter. It you enter your Zip it will give you rough pricing. For my area it was like 1,200. (out of me price range ) going to llok for an old one and maybe a rebuild/restore)

Link:   TSC 23 Bushel Manure Spreader 

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