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 01-16-2018, 12:19 Post: 105487

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 ever thought about moving?

Ever thought about selling your place and buying a farm somewhere scenic and rural? I'm on 15 acres now but I'm so close to baltimore urban sprawl is strangling the area. I want a place I can keep my horses, go hiking, and enjoy peace and quiet.

I don't even know how to begin searching for a new area to live. The internet is fun to browse but there is so much they're NOT telling you in the ads.

Is there a part of the country that is CHEAP to buy farmland but not frozen solid most of the year? I'm used to Maryland climate. Maybe 40-80+ acres for under $500k?

Am i nuts?

Has anyone here give up life near a city to live in the middle of nowhere?

Stupid #%#$% suburban sprawl. They won't quit till the whole country is one big strip-mall.

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 01-16-2018, 17:13 Post: 105489

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 ever thought about moving?

I know land in Northern Minnesota was cheap. I sold my 80 acres up there for $375 per acre. But you do have to contend with the winters.

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 01-16-2018, 22:08 Post: 105494

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 ever thought about moving?

Boy do I hear that. Eastern Pa is exploding with people escaping corrupt New York and New Jersey. But all our family is here so I guess we stay, for the time being.

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 01-17-2018, 03:02 Post: 105496

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 ever thought about moving?

$375 an acre? Wow! On the west coast near Portland, OR, undeveloped rural land runs $10k/acre. Land with a house runs $20k/acre + cost of house. Oregon is fortunate (depending on which side of the urban sprawl issue you are on) to have land use laws and urban growth boundaries that prevent housing communities from popping up in the country. If you find rural land, it is likely to stay that way. Especially since timber companies own much of it, and they don't usually sell. There are plenty of buildable 40 acre parcels for $400k, and the winters are mild (by midwest/NE standards).

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 01-17-2018, 07:57 Post: 105507

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 ever thought about moving?

For 400-500 K you can buy quite a piece of land with builings in Maine. Let me clue you in on a secret.
It's the cold winters that keep it a nice place to live.
We have our share of hot weather in July and August.
Go to Realtor .com it is nation wide.

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 01-17-2018, 12:51 Post: 105508

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 ever thought about moving?

you can get tons of land in south carolina for way cheap. I know of a couple that moved there and spend 70 k on a three bedroom two bath brick home on an acre. There is also all kinds of property to snatch, but some you kind of have to take to good with the bad. It may be dense forest or an abandoned farm...western south carolina is my vote

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 01-17-2018, 17:46 Post: 105510

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 ever thought about moving?

I remember our good friend rgauthier (locked out of the forum about a year ago) talked about the land in West Virginia as being fairly inexpensive. I've also heard from friends that it's a beautiful area.

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 01-17-2018, 22:40 Post: 105512

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 ever thought about moving?

In Central Michigan ag and woods runs about $1300 - $1700 per acre. Was $500 per acre twenty years ago and the locals thought that was nuts!

Land may get cheaper if people have to move to where there is still jobs. Montcalm county just south of me has lost about 4000 thousand jobs and will lose 3000 more this year.

Also winter is here. Just got up to 40 today and I thought spring has arrived! Didn't even were a jacket. Two weeks ago we had three weeks of 0 to -10 every day and night. Grinder is right, cold weather keeps the population down and makes it a nice area to live.


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 01-18-2018, 03:35 Post: 105518

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 ever thought about moving?

I guess that the age old rule of thumb applies: There is no Utopia, everybody would be there.

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 01-18-2018, 08:29 Post: 105521

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 ever thought about moving?

I would like to buy lots of land to retire on with wife and tractor. But unfortunately old age may require that you be close to grocery stores. My wife reminds me that you need a liquor store and drug store also.

I would ideally like to buy some land on Lake Champlain. We have had great times there, but again, old age may not be compatible with the cold up there. Uh oh, it's my wife's birthday - she says to get off computer - my a** is in trouble, Bye!! Smile

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