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 01-29-2018, 04:35 Post: 107095

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 Do electric fences keep out deer?

Has anyone used electric fences to keep out deer? I am planting 7 acres of trees and would like them to live past the deer season.

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 01-29-2018, 09:29 Post: 107099

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 Do electric fences keep out deer?

We have electric fences for cattle with woods surrounding part...they keep the cattle in but the deer just jump over it. You would need a much higher fence than we have...our's is about 4 1/2 feet tall. Good luck...

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 01-29-2018, 14:24 Post: 107101

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 Do electric fences keep out deer?

An electric fence that is 10 feet tall will keep the deer out. But then any 10 foot fence will do the same.

But even a 10 foot fence with a 9 or 12 inch gap under it will let them in......

Keeping deer out is a lot of work.

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 01-29-2018, 19:18 Post: 107125

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 Do electric fences keep out deer?

Another problem with electric fencing, if you use the standard wire, is that the deer do not see it will run right through it. If you go with electric fencing I would recomend using the yellow nylon tape fencing. Ten feet is needed to ensure they can't jump it but six feet would deter a lot of deer from jumping the fence.
I read a study that someone did (can't remember who or where) on keeping deer out of an area. They had bait stations set up so deer were used to going to that part of there property. They put up a solid fence 3 1/2 or 4' tall and the deer would not jump it. It seems that if deer cannot see what is on the other side of a fence, they will not jump over it. So you could try that.

There is also a product called plot saver sold by biologic that is suposed to keep deer out of food plots until they are mature. I have no experience with it so I can't say how well it works.

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 01-30-2018, 00:13 Post: 107138

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 Do electric fences keep out deer?

An elecric fence will absolutely not keep deer out. You will need some sort of a game fence, of course these may be hopelessly out of the question here (cost and size of the project etc)

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 01-30-2018, 05:07 Post: 107154

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 Do electric fences keep out deer?


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 01-30-2018, 10:01 Post: 107370

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 Do electric fences keep out deer?

If they can see it, they will jump it.

I used two thin strings of twine around my garden. Thin enough that it's hard to see. They feel it's there but can't see it so they don't jump it. I know many people use fishing line for the same effect. Works good for a garden but not for 7 acres of trees.

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 02-01-2018, 11:06 Post: 107804

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 Do electric fences keep out deer?

I’ve had great success. At least five feet high, with strands one foot apart, starting at about 3 inches from the ground. Keeps out everything except squirrels. Must be kept weed free and well maintained so shock value is greatest. Tying a piece of apple to the fence so they will touch it their wet noses also helps them “learn” about it.

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 02-20-2018, 11:30 Post: 110711

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 Do electric fences keep out deer?

I've had good luck keeping the deer out of my garden plot (150'x60'). The fence is 4' welded wire for the groundhogs and such topped about 8" above with one strand of electric wire. I have deer in the field every day around the garden but I've never found one or evidence of one inside.

You will never keep deer from jumping a 5' fence (I've seen them jump an 8' fence from a standing start) so I did what one book recommended - educate the deer. Before the garden gets tasty put a dab of peanut butter at various spots on the wire. I put it every 5-10' or so. The deer will smell the peanut butter, try a taste, and learn to keep away. Either smooth or extra crunchy.

JKJ in East TN

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 02-20-2018, 21:19 Post: 110739

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 Do electric fences keep out deer?

I've seen the low 6-8" above the ground work. They touch it
with their nose.

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