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 03-01-2018, 06:31 Post: 111968

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 Pole Barn or stick built

Actually it should be pole garage. Im getting ready to have a 3 car + shop built. Some contractors are telling me that pole is the only way to go and others are telling me stick built is much better. Any ideas which is better?


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 03-01-2018, 11:25 Post: 111970

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 Pole Barn or stick built

BC; Perhaps you're in a drier climate and poles will work fine. Here in the midwest poles rotting at the soil line can be a problem over time. I've built both frame and pole over the years and the frame built over time is going to win out. Best of luck. Frank.

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 03-01-2018, 16:20 Post: 111980

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 Pole Barn or stick built

If it's a garage with a nice cement floor or something you'd want to finish off later, i'd go with traditional framing. It'll allow for hanging drywall and be more finished looking inside.

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 03-02-2018, 07:03 Post: 112012

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 Pole Barn or stick built

I have crossed that bridge, but stick built was not really and option due to size and pricem, and I would not consider a pole barn where wood is in dirt for my region. I went with all steel, looks like pole barn but not a toothpick of wood. Check out Miracle Truss or Kentucky Steel.

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 03-02-2018, 11:58 Post: 112013

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 Pole Barn or stick built

Hey guys, Thanks alot. Yes I am in a wet environment. I will have a concrete slab. I thought about steel but it will likely be connected to my house so I figured wood would be best. Can wood siding be put on a steel building?


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 03-02-2018, 16:52 Post: 112027

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 Pole Barn or stick built

If it is going to be attached to the house, I would recomend normal stick built construction. That will be easier to make look like part of the house.

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 03-02-2018, 21:47 Post: 112223

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 Pole Barn or stick built

I don't know about your area but check local codes , most of the towns around here will not let you attach a slab to a foundation due to the fact of frost movement

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 03-16-2018, 19:29 Post: 114433

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 Pole Barn or stick built

poles rotting in the soil 4x6 or 6x6 would take alot of time, 50 years at best.

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 03-17-2018, 00:24 Post: 114465

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 Pole Barn or stick built

This might be a viable option for pole barns in less than ideal soil. http://www.postprotector.com/

They seem to be a fairly inexpensive solution.

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 03-17-2018, 05:18 Post: 114468

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 Pole Barn or stick built

that looks like a neat product. like i said before a post will last many years. just make sure the post that are used have a 0.6 spec on the wood. of course there are always exceptions poor drainage, low lying area were you have standing water. these are concerns which need to be addressed before building a post frame struture. just look at alot of your old barns which have been standing for 50,75,100 years(of course many are in rough shape)but there still standing. and back then they diden't even treat the wood like today. i guess if you decide to build a pole barn you have to use a product you feel most Comfortable with. here in michigan i have seen nothing but 4x6 & 6x6 post used for the structure and we get our fare share of weather in this state. if anything i think the skirt boards take more of a beating then the post. just my 2 cense.

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