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Electric/Insulation Job estimate
I need to finish of the interior of my 24x40 pole barn and I am trying to decide if I should do it myself. I am capable of doing a lot of the grunt work myself but live a long way from the job site and have limited time to boot. I would like to be buttoned up for this winter and I am leaning towards spending money rather than time.
With this in mind here is an estimate I got. Can anyone offer an opinion as to whether they think this is a fair bid. It seems high to me but maybe materials are more than I think. The job site is in upstate NY.
1-insert rubber gasket sealer between existing metal siding and concrete floor, around whole building
2-construct 2x6x10' studding around entire ( exterior) solid wall perimeter ( approx 100 running feet)
3-insulate 2x6x10' studding around entire (exterior) solid wall perimeter ( approx 100 running feet) with 6 1/2 x16" kraft faced insulation
4- construct 2x4x10' interior wall (approx 34 running feet)
5- insulate 2x4x10' interior wall (approx 34 running feet) with 3 1/2 x 16" kraft faced insulation
6- insulate 24x40 ceiling with 6 1/2 x 24" kraft faced insulation
7- install 1/2" x 4' x 8' foil faced sheathing on entire interior and exterior walls and ceiling
8- install 5/8" plywood 4ft high around entire interior and exterior walls
9- tape all seams for foil faced sheathing
10-install 24" x 10' drop down stairs
11-install 2 exterior lights w/ sensors on each end of garage and 2 switch controls located on 1st floor
12-install 2 exterior outlets located at front and rear of garage (GFCI Protected)
13- install 2 standard light fixtures on second floor with switch control at top of drop down stairs
14-install 6 8' flourescent (2 bulb) w/ cold weather start ballasts ( as indicated on floor plan)
15-install 1 ceilng outlet for future garage door opener as indicated on floor plan
16-install 14 20amp outlets throughout building as indicated on floor plan
17-install 1 220 amp outlet in location indicated on floor plan
18-install 1 phone outlet in location indicated on floor plan
19-install 2 110v lines for 2 heaters (heaters not supplied)
20-install 2 switches inside entrance door to proposed work shop controlling 2 overhead flourescent lights, independently
21-install 2- 2way switches for overhead lights in open area located at both ends of building ( controlled by either switch)
22- install 1 switch to control 1 overhead light as indicated on blue print
23- install 2 thermostat wires for heating control
24- install one 200amp service panel with up to 30 available breakers, this includes all circuit breakers needed to satisfy all proposed electrical service (200amp main breaker, 50 amp breaker for 220 outlet, 5or6 20 amp breakers and 1 15amp breaker
25- install all necessary components on exterior of building to satisfy elec company requirements ( pan/ mast and wiring )
26- install 30" prehung luan door between proposed room and open garage area
All material used on this proposal will be the best available (no economy material used)
total cost for this proposal includes labor and materials listed, as well as incidentals( bulbs, switch plates, outlet covers) $11,200.
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Electric/Insulation Job estimate
I just received a quote for electrical installation in my 24x36 pole barn (also in upstate NY). I am in the same boat as you.... remote site... no time. Keeping in mind, my system will be much more basic than yours. 100a service with about 1/2 to the amount of materials and no insulation.
My quote included (from memory)
100a240v service panel
(6) 8' 2-lamp HO fixtures
(8) GFIC recepticles
(3) outside coach lights
all related branch circuts and materials
150' trench & backfill
all labor
I thought about doing it myself. I priced all materials inclucing steel conduit and some other stuff not mentioned above through Lowes. Materials alone came to $1,500. Assume 3-days for installation at $60/hr (complete guess), and im up around $3000.
I would use his materials list, take it to a local electrical supplier; and get a materials quote. Subtract that from the Total, and you will know his labor cost. Then give him a call and ask how long he thinks the job will take, and how many guys he will be using. I would guess an electrician charges $50-$70/hr for his time, and maybe $30/hr for a helper (??)
I cant really comment on your quote, because you are doing a lot more. However, I will say that I really like the way your guy was so specific by listing each item.
Good Luck
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Electric/Insulation Job estimate
Hi Mac,
Thanks for the reply. I know the right way will be to price out the materials list. Just scared if I go to the supply stores I would end ordering the stuff and start a project I really don't have the time for and not get my heat in for winter .
From from your post I take it that your job was purely electric no framing or wood materials?
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Electric/Insulation Job estimate
Yes.. mine was electric only. BTW... nice barn. It looks bigger than 24x40 in your pics.
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Electric/Insulation Job estimate
You don't need half the insulation work they are proposing. They are way out of line.Before turning wrenches I was swinging a hammer. Insulating should normally run about $9.00 per square foot. Electric is about $6.00. Get another estimate.
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Electric/Insulation Job estimate
Thanks for the reply. I thought it might be a little high but I am a little confused by your sq ft calculations. The building is a 24x40=960 sq ft. 960*9=8640. 960*6=5760. 8640+5760 = 14400. The estimate is 11200 which seems to come in below your rule of thumb. Am I missing something?
PS Not sure if it is clear from the estimate but the plan is to partition off a shop with the interior wall insulated as there will be two heating zones with the potential for a large differential in temp between the two rooms.
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Electric/Insulation Job estimate
I think a decimal point is off on the insulation number.
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Electric/Insulation Job estimate
I was thinking back wards. My prices were for residential or houses. It would be less for garages/non-living spaces. Roughly $5 and $3 in south central PA. I can not see it being too much different up there. Are you concerned about appearance? If not get the 4x8 sheet insulation which is a little cheaper than rolled fiberglass.
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Electric/Insulation Job estimate
Can't really comment on the price, but you may want to consider the spray on foam insulation instead of the fiberglass. My brother just had that done on his pole barn, and he loves it. It makes the building virtually air tight, except for the doors and windows obviously. And, since it's a closed cell structure, water won't damage it. Not sure on the costs though, but I would think it would also eliminate the perimiter seal your quote has.
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