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Barn Reccommendations?
Does anyone know of a reputable and cost effective equine barn builder in the Dallas, Texas area?
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Barn Reccommendations?
I built a 30'x40' Mueller metal building for a shop last year. Not a horse barn. However,in looking around, I looked at several manufacturers. In particular, I looked at Morton Buildings and actually went to see a completed building they had put up. Construction looked very good. Again, it was a shop type building, but their brochures also showed pictures of horse barns. Morton does all their own construction. I think they have multiple locations, but for sure, they have one just north of McKinney on 75.
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Barn Reccommendations?
If you are a doit yourselfer, you might want to consider purchasing a kit and putting it up yourself. I purchased a pole barn kit from Carter Lumber in Lancaster, PA. "Kit" might not be the right term, they just put together materials list and gave me a real simple print. The construction is very standard and my local building inspector had no problem with it as long as the trusses were properly rated. The kit I ordered was for 34x48x10 barn with 10' double sliders centered at both ends with painted metal siding and roof (FABRAL), 1' overhang all around. They figure out all the trim for you, which is helpful if you've never worked with it before. I built 12x12 stalls with 2x6 T&G SYP, grills mailordered, sliding door hardware purchased locally, with a 10' center ailse. I couldn't be more pleased with how it came out. I found the material from Carter to be good and they offered excellent support. Make sure that any supplier you consider has a good reputation. I've heard some stories of people making big deposits and never getting their building. I found that the shell of the building cost me about 30% (and about 8 weekends) of what some of the big pole barn builders charge. I've seen many Morton building and they are excellent quality. I especially like the laminated poles they make with treated wood spliced in at the bottm of the pole and untreated wood makes up the top portion.
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Barn Reccommendations?
Like Steve, I also erected mine from a pre-fab kit. In the case of the Mueller, the frame is all steel I beams which simply bolt together. The only cutting and fitting I had to do was the end wall panels (to cut the slope) and some of the trim pieces. I figure I saved about 50% off a builder's price. I don't know if they offer a barn plan or not. It does take quite a few days of effort plus some good friends to put up the heavy and awkward pieces. It wasn't particularly hard, but it took longer than I expected. But then I did most of the work by myself. Also, mine is fully insulated and I plumbed in and built a bathroom with shower. I am very happy with mine plus there is a sense of satisfaction in having done it myself.
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Barn Reccommendations?
I doubt I have the skill or time to do an adequate job from a kit. I have my hands full with pasture and horse maintenance (sometimes more than full Ideally, I would like a complete turn-key deal so that once the plans and price are agreed-upon, the come out, do any dirt work necessary, build it, do plumbing and electricity and any concrete work, paint it, etc. I've seen the Morton buildings, and I understand they do good quality work, but the price seems to be at a premium. Am I off base there? Also, does anyone have experince with AmeriStall?
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Barn Reccommendations?
I too got the impression that Morton does a premium job but at a premium price. I am not familiar with AmeriStall, but if they are a reputable builder with nothing to hide, they should give you a firm price quote and references that you can check out.
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Barn Reccommendations?
7 years ago had a pole barn put up (indoor arena, stalls, shop,etc.)by a local contractor after much inspection of all brands in my area (indoor arena, stalls, shop, etc.). At that time they underbid Morton by ~ 10%. The job foreman was very good, but was fighting a loosing battle with management regarding quality issues (he was fired right after my barn's completion).
If I could do it over....I'd have gone with Morton. They, IMHO, offer quality ahrd to find elsewhere.
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Barn Reccommendations?
Just as a side note to your post Steve, the laminated poles are a stock item around here now. My builder charged me $7 extra per pole to use them, and they may or may not be worth it, time will tell. One thing that I picked up on besides the poles is that the steel makers have different grades of finish. I wrote Fabral and they sent me the specs for the mechanical properties of their steel panels and an explanation of how it compares to those of Morton Buildings. I opted for the highest quality available.
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