how is the barn going Cutter?
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how is the barn going Cutter?
Hi Steve. The barn has shaped up quite nicely. I have to run the electric, which involves splitting the service and putting my meter on a pole and feeding the house and barn from there. It is costly but the best method, since I plan on running more than lights in the future. For this year I can afford to split the service, the 400' of underground to the building will have to wait. I will run some romex out there for the winter on a gfi. So far, the two tractors and project boat have fit just fine. I have extra room for my other "collectables" and the shop is still empty! I am pleased so far.
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how is the barn going Cutter?
Can you run 400' of secondary? I'm building my "barn house" 1000' off the road and had to run primary in and set a tranformer. Utility told me no more than 300' allowed for secondary....maybe a stretch to 400' would be OK...all about voltage drops. I assure you...running secondary is MUCH cheaper.
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how is the barn going Cutter?
The actual distance is 375' that will be underground in conduit. I can stretch it to that according to my electrician. I will install the conduit and cable along with a hand hole, and he will tie it into my waterproof switchbox and do just enough in the building to pass inspection. From there....weeell..running wire is one of the jobs I enjoy doing. The other option is the one you had no choice but to take.
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how is the barn going Cutter?
My friend built a house setback about 800'. His first choice was a transformer
sitting halfway for a 200amp service but found that a transformer at the road and 320 amp service was cheaper.
Cutter, what kind af lighting are you going to go with?
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how is the barn going Cutter?
My friend built a house setback about 800'. His first choice was a transformer
sitting halfway for a 200amp service but found that a transformer at the road and 320 amp service was cheaper.
Cutter, what kind af lighting are you going to go with?
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how is the barn going Cutter?
I recently built a 40x60 pole barn and was wanting to run power to it. I cuurently have a 200amp service for my house on a pole in the back yard. I was wanting to move the pole out front and and run two disonnects off from it. One for the house, and an additional 200amp to the barn. Is there an easy way to hook up two disconnects that feed through the same meter? Also, my house is currently 50 feet from the meter, if I move the pole to the front it wil be 175' from the meter. Will the line losses adversly affect my power bill, or will they be negligible? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Whew, that was a mouthful.
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how is the barn going Cutter?
I ran 800' of primary wire underground in conduit. We dug an 800' ditch through the woods, down a big bank (I'd never drive my tractor down that...). Dug the ditch in about 10 hours or so. Then we built the 4" conduit one piece at a time and pulled, BY HAND, the two primary cables through the conduit. Worked slicker than snot actually. Me and one other fellow could easily pull the two cables through the conduit, even 800' of it. Only took us about 3 hours to build the conduit and pull the cable. I was MOST pleased. If anyone ever worries about it, as I did, don't. No big deal. The trick of course was to pay the extra few dollars for 4" instead of 3" (each cable was 1" . And we lubed the cable as it went in. It was harder for me to install the 200Amp triplex in 2" for 165' then it was to pull the primary cables in.
As far as voltage drop between 50' and 165', I wouldn't be too concerned. As far as paying extra for lost power, I wouldn't worry.
Of course, I have been waiting for over two months now for NYSEG to come hook me up so I can start paying...been runnning the little generator for all the tools. Argh.
Good luck!
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how is the barn going Cutter?
I am probably going to buy the cheapest non-ballast strip lights I can find for the storage area. The shop will eventually get some sort of mecury or sodium lamps I imagine, haven't reasearched it enough yet, can't afford them now anyhow.
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how is the barn going Cutter?
I am not a certified electrician, but I do know that a waterproof disconnect is available that would be fed from the meter box and will allow for two seperate 200 amp services. My house service is overhead, so it allows me to simply convert the exhisting pole to a meter pole by running two service entrance cables up it.
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