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 05-29-2017, 20:08 Post: 56308

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 Floor paint

Does any one paint the concrete on their garage floor. I am wondering how big of a project it would be and if any one else has done this.

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 05-30-2017, 01:03 Post: 56317

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 Floor paint

I paint mine. It looks good, but to keep it looking good, you have to touch it up every now and then. It is best to work on new concrete before it gets oil spots, but you can even clean up old concrete and paint it. If the concrete does not have a vapor barrier underneath, then the paint may not stick very well in the long term.

It is fairly easy painting work. Get a roller with a long handle and it is just like mopping the floor. It goes quickly and you don't have to worry about drips.

You may want to leave a bare section if you do welding. Sparks and hot metal will burn the paint surface. You can sometimes take off most of the burn with cleaner, and you can always repaint the area again. Occasionally, I have had a spot when a vehicle wheel is pivoted in a single place on the painted floor. You end up with a little circle of what looks like tire track and stipped paint. It can also be repainted.

I am building a new building and I am thinking more about sealing the concrete rather than painting it. Sealing almost looks like varnish on the surface and it keeps the concrete from staining. I like the look of the surface. You can also treat the concrete with acids and other chemicals before sealing to get different colors to the floor. One of my favorites is an acid wash that leaves the concrete with a rusty brown tone and the sealer goes over that.

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 05-30-2017, 05:57 Post: 56322

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 Floor paint

We painted the floor in the company shop, it wasn't tough to do, we used an 'airless sprayer' and it took basically one full day to clean & spray the whole place, about 8,000 square feet. Then it took only about 2.5 hours the next day for a second coat.

The shop at home is many years old and still waiting, it was full before it was finished being built. I keep meaning to do the floor, but I either have to do the 'great shuffle' and paint sections whilst moving everything around or moving everything out for a few days. Everyone I've ever talked to who painted by moving stuff around said they got more dirt, bugs, and foot-prints in it than they cared for, but then moving everything into the yard is not much of an option either.

Still, it sure is a LOT easier to sweep or wash the painted floor compared to bare concrete.

Best of luck.

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 05-30-2017, 10:52 Post: 56323

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 Floor paint

Mine is dirty with a few light oil spots. They completely finished out my garage when they built the house except for paint. The garage is 3.5 cars with a 18' ceiling and even has the same windows as the rest of the house. It has even been sheet rocked and taped. For 7 years I have been swearing I am going to paint the garage this year. Now the floor is dirty. I do not care if I have to re-roll it every spring I just want to get this garage finished and It seems finishing the floor some how would look nice and be easier to clean.

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 05-30-2017, 15:46 Post: 56325

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 Floor paint

You said that the walls were sheetrocked and taped. Have they been painted?? If you are going to paint the floor and walls, protect the floor just as if it was carpet when you are painting the walls. You can spray or roll on the floor paint later.

You can clean the oil spots with solvent. Oven cleaner will work on really tough spots. Let the concrete dry before painting.

Sealing works best on new concrete where you dont have to worry about previous stains, because you can see through it.

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 05-30-2017, 20:41 Post: 56344

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 Floor paint

I would paint the floor last. Depending on how much you want to spend the best floor coat is a epoxy resin floor coat. VERY tough, lasts a long time and VERY expensive. Otherwise the ole' 5 gal. can of Battleship Grey floor paint with some nonskid mixed for some areas. Just have to repaint or touch up periodically.

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 05-31-2017, 01:35 Post: 56346

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 Floor paint

I will defineately cover the floor and paint it last. How expensive is expensive and where can I find out about the epoxy resin ? Brands ? Web sites ??

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 05-31-2017, 06:29 Post: 56354

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 Floor paint

Lots of different brands anc colors, you'll have to compare. The link below can help get you started but there are alot of distributors to compare with.

Link:   Epoxy Floor Coating Link 

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 05-31-2017, 11:24 Post: 56356

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 Floor paint

Thanx, Have you used this stuff before ? Is it harder to work with ?

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 05-31-2017, 16:18 Post: 56360

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 Floor paint

Wow, Thanx for the tip. I am definately going to look further into this. It really is not that much more expensive and looks great.

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