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Steel roofing
I would like to put a steel roof on my farm building. It would be directly on 2X4 purlins spaced 24" O.C. up the roof. The building occasionally sweats, and I don't want to insulate it.
Is there any way to prevent the roof from rusting through?
Joe in NH
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Steel roofing
Galvanized metal should last a lifetime. If your building is sweating, you need more vents. Ridge and sofit and gable ends all should be vented. If you are screwing the metal as
opposed to standing seam,make sure of suggested screw location per instructions.
If you screw it on the ridges you could cause the water to
come in. The sheets are designed to go only one way,this
will stop any siphon effects at the seams.
Good luck
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Steel roofing
I dont know how old you are or how long you plan on haveing this building, but most good quailty steel has a 20 or 30 yr warrenty.Ive got several steel roofs and none have rusted yet.The good steel panels are plated [they call it electrogalvanizing],then epoxy coated.My oldest one is 15yrs, and looks the same as when built.Do not use treated wood for the purlins, this will destroy the steel.Fasten it with grommeted screws,not nails. The nails will loosen up in time and leak.The screws can be snugged up if this happens, the nails cannot.Drill the holes for the screws before you un-band the steel.Drill thru all the sheets at once,your screws will be all spaced the same and you wont scratch up the steel trying to drill up on the roof while keeping the layout straight.If your pitch is less than 3/12, you may want to use double stick urethane tape at the joints. Silicone, or rtv does not hold up for the long haul.Do not use the tape at any butt joints, just the laps.
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Steel roofing
I dont know how old you are or how long you plan on haveing this building, but most good quailty steel has a 20 or 30 yr warrenty.Ive got several steel roofs and none have rusted yet.The good steel panels are plated [they call it electrogalvanizing],then epoxy coated.My oldest one is 15yrs, and looks the same as when built.Do not use treated wood for the purlins, this will destroy the steel.Fasten it with grommeted screws,not nails. The nails will loosen up in time and leak.The screws can be snugged up if this happens, the nails cannot.Drill the holes for the screws before you un-band the steel.Drill thru all the sheets at once,your screws will be all spaced the same and you wont scratch up the steel trying to drill up on the roof while keeping the layout straight.If your pitch is less than 3/12, you may want to use double stick urethane tape at the joints. Silicone, or rtv does not hold up for the long haul.Do not use the tape at any butt joints, just the laps.
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