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Advice on building a shop
Be careful with spraying oil to keep the dust down. In our area, Dept. of Ecology would be on you like stink on a mule and you would be fined big-time.
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Advice on building a shop
I have built several Garage/shop/pole barns and have a few ideas:
1. Build as big as you can afford - you'll use it all
2. Woodworking and Mechanical work does not belong in same building - sawdust where you dont want it and grease where you dont want it
Trusses are cheaper than stick built and provide great spans without center posts
3. An "L" shape building with a drive thru bay for tractor with implement attached is a real nice feature
4. You cant have too much light or too many outlets - my outlets are four feet apart and 4 feet off the floor - all around
5 Implement and tractor barns dont need concrete floors unless you like sweeping
6 A long central (towards the front) retractable air hose works well. You can always attach an extention. Water collection drains and pressure regulators need to be at each drop if you plumb air lines.
7. Collector vehicles deserve their special spot in a clean garage - not a work shop.
Good luck
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Advice on building a shop
If you haven't poured the slab yet, run some PVC chases, front-to-back on the pad, to be covered by the slab. Pop them up and cap 'em off until you want to run electric, water, etc. It is much easier to do under the slab than up and across the roof.
I set aside one 12' X 12' area as a tool crib - for sandblasters, cherrypickers,jackstands, etc... things you don't use often, but need to remember where you left them last.
Mount your compressor AS FAR AWAY from the garage as possible... A small outhouse-looking thing is PERFECT for the compressor. Pipe the air underground to garage.
install radio/stereo (hang speakers from the ceiling). DO NOT put in a TV - the idea is to work oout there and the TV doesn't help you get anything done (except hide).
Get a used dishwasher out of the newspaper. Use it to clean parts/tools/etc. (great for greasy car parts)
Call your local board of education - they have a depot where they get rid of things from the schools - like flourscent lights / welding tables from shops / GYM lockers that make great POL cabinets - and the stuff uaually goes really cheap. (8' flourscent lights with bulbs = $1 ea...)
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